Welcome to Valencia Bodywork
Megan Valencia is able to help you find the cause of your pain and work with you to release it. Many clients have had their issues completely resolved in a few sessions. In other cases, keeping a regular (monthly) scheduled appointment to do a couple stretches together is enough to keep the problem from troubling your daily life.
The musculoskeletal system of the body works within the constraints of a network of tissue known as connective tissue or fascia. This is the target tissue of my massage and bodywork. By creating more space in your fascial network, the muscles are better able to function the way they were meant to and in their full range of motion. We can work together to create new (and better!) patterns of movement that support your more spacious body.
Before & After Video
A collaborative approach to bodywork and pain relief
Using pressure and active stretching
Achieving fast and effective results
Things to Know
Here are some key takeaways to optimize your experience with the Rossiter Stretching Technique:
Be Mindful
Pay attention to your body’s sensations during walks and between sessions. Notice any changes or areas of concern to discuss with your practitioner.
Embrace the Challenge
Rossiter exercises can be demanding. Be prepared to work hard, focus, and persevere through discomfort.
Become an Active Learner
This is an opportunity to gain valuable insights into your body’s mechanics, posture,and movement patterns. Learn how to make positive changes for improved function.
Make Adjustments
Be open to modifying your environment or habits to support your progress. This could involve rearranging your workspace for better ergonomics.
Slow and Steady
Focus on quality over quantity. Perform each exercise slowly and deliberately, paying attention to areas that feel tight. Discomfort is a sign of progress!
Holistic Approach
As one area improves, imbalances may emerge elsewhere. Be aware of these changes and communicate them to your Rossiter coach for a comprehensive treatment plan.
By following these tips, you can maximize the benefits of the Rossiter Stretching Technique and achieve lasting improvements in your mobility and pain levels.
Ready to get started?
Not quite ready? Schedule a free 10-minute consultation!
An Introduction to Valencia Bodywork
Mindful Walks for Foot Pain
Mindful Walks for Foot Pain Something to always keep in mind: your body is a sum of its parts, hard and soft, so when when our body is in movement, all parts of us follow suit. The body is fundamentally connected: the foot is ultimately connected to the neck, so…
Tips for a mindful walk
Tips for a Mindful Walk Slow pace, short easy distance No distraction (ie, phone, dog walk, friend) As you walk, focus on: Your Head: Float the back of your crown up to the sky, tuck your chin slightly Shoulders: Reach them out to the sides, let your arms swing naturally…