An Introduction to Valencia Bodywork

Everyone is familiar with the words Massage and Chiropractic. But how about ROSSITER? PIN and STRETCH?

These terms are not widely known or understood, but if you have pain and want to address it with a licensed bodywork professional, here is some helpful information for you!

Let me introduce you to Rossiter: the bodywork that Valencia Bodywork is all about. First off, it’s very effective in helping people out of pain in specific areas in their bodies. It’s like triage for the musculoskeletal system. If you are experiencing alarming pain or lack of range of motion in any of your joints, this is a great way to get out of pain and regain mobility. In an appointment of about 30 minutes, I can get to the root of your problem. I will find the troublemaking muscle or connective tissue and work with it to lessen your pain. This involves working on a muscle that has tightened and shortened to get it to return to its pain-free length. It’s my priority to get you permanently out of pain so you can live your best life.

Secondly, I will consult with you about how you may be moving that is perpetuating the problem and then offer movement solutions so the problem doesn’t resurface after we have resolved it here. As much as I enjoy working with my clients, I don’t want you to have to come back forever to stay out of pain. I want to give everyone the education and the tools to resolve the issue at hand. My return clients are showing back up because I was able to help with their foot, for instance, and then they developed a problem in their neck or elbow or hip. They know I have valuable advice to resolve it.


Pin and Stretch is just a term I use to describe what I’m doing. I lean into an area (the pin part) that may contribute to your pain pattern and ask you to move a certain way (thus the stretch!) While the work can feel intense at the time, l work with grace at your pain tolerance; always at a level through which you can relax and breathe. These tenacious areas in our body need a nudge for sure, but a gentle nudge is the only way to go.

Since this is such an unfamiliar area of bodywork, I offer 10-minute free consultations either over the phone, on Zoom, or in my office near downtown lowa City. (Free off-street parking.)

Don’t just resolve to be in pain. Let’s resolve it together with Valencia Bodywork and Rossiter!

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